Sunday, November 18, 2018

Congratulations on your Convocation

  • It took a lot of hard work to reach this goal. You had to show up every day, whether you felt like it or not. I hope you feel great about what youโ€™ve accomplished, and I hope youโ€™ll continue to be a person who shows up day in and day out for those things that are worthwhile and important in life.

Proud of you my nephew. Congratulations! ๐Ÿ’ 

Monday, November 12, 2018

Happy Anniversary Encik Suami

Ada Apa Dengan Cinta?

Hidup yang telah kita jalani bersama,
Walaupun serba-serbinya sederhana,
Namun amatlah benar-benar terasa,
Cukup aman dan begitu bahagia.

Trimas atas kesabaran menahan lelah,
Melayan kerenah isteri yang entah apa-apa entah,
Musibah demi masalah yang ada ketikanya menjengah,
Melayari bahtera berkeluarga demikianlah sudah.

Gembira bersama di waktu suka,
Setia pula menemani di kalanya duka.
Pada saat sukar yang tak terjangkau di fikiran,
Tetap sahaja ada di sisi menenangkan segala kekacauan.

Untuk 19 tahun yang kita kecapi ini,
Dan tahun-tahun yang bakalnya mendatang nanti,
Harapannya begitulah buatmu Cik Abang,
Semakin hari cuma buat hati ini semakin sayang.

And I hope you always stay the same,
Because there's nothing about you I would change. No one else would understand our relationship, and no one else in this world would understand me the way you do.

Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite. Love your imperfections every angle. Happy anniversary my darling Hubby! Thank you for being there, especially when times get difficult. I love you and always will. Forever.

ุฅูู†ู’ ุดูŽุงุกูŽ ูฑู„ู„ูŽูฐู‡

Semoganya kita kekal sampai ke Jannah,
Menyulam cinta yang terukirnya indah,
Bersama anak-anak yang telah dianugerah,
Oleh Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala sebagai hadiah.

ุงู…ูŠู† ูŠุง ุฑุจ ุงู„ุงู…ูŠู†

You are the only one who has ever made me feel I'm enough.

I feel like everything in my life had led me to you. My choices, my heartbreaks and my regrets. Everything. And when we're together, my past seems worth it. Because if I had done one thing differently, I might never have met you๐Ÿ–ค

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Syafakallah Abang

I miss you. Not in some cheesy โ€œLetโ€™s hold hands and be together forever kind of wayโ€. I just miss you, plain and simple. I miss your presence in my life. I miss you always being there for me. I miss you brother. So much.

Syafakallah Abang โŒโญ•โŒโญ•

Happy Birthday Baby Manis

Assalamualaikum,  Hari ini baby Covid Ummi ni dah genap setahun. Begitu pantas masa berlalu ya? Baru rasa macam semalam sahaja Ummi melahirk...